My author website. Everything from quotes to an active blog. Anything and everything D. X. Logan can be found there. At the end of 2014, I revamped the site and gave it a complete overhaul. It's much more user friendly now.
Yeah. As the title says, I have added almost nothing since starting up a profile here. Part of it is of course laziness, but I think it is justified. Staring at a daunting collection of books with writing deadlines and personal projects all beating down the door makes it very hard to get motivated on listing out a bunch of book titles. It gets even worse when I consider the list of books I have read, but don't own or the list of those I would like to yet own.
I can't really say if I am justified in this. Surely I am not the only person who has run into this problem. On some level, this is personal entertainment and perhaps a way to prevent getting a gift of a book that is already in my collection. On another level, as a writer, it allows me to share some of what I have read with my reader base. Still, it is not paying anything and there doesn't ever seem to be any press from others to move it forward. I might do a few today since I am already here, but we will see. If you happen to be a fan of my work, feel free to leave a comment here or on my website. Sometimes just a few words can be a major motivator.
So I am apparently a masochist on some level. I am adding the slow addition of books to this library without ever having gotten around to finishing listing them on Goodreads, I have a regular blog I maintain and my own writing projects to attend to. If I didn't have a day-job, this might not mean much, but finding time for it all is hectic. Come to think of it, my website needs an update as well. One more thing on the list I suppose. Anyway, expect that my adding to the shelves on this site will be slow. Nature of the beast. Even so, given the move away from honest commentary by Goodreads, I think I am going to keep myself at arm's length from them outside of maintaining a basic presence.